15 great reasons to choose the PAPAA »
Questions about JCQ Access Arrangement? We can help! »

High quality training for education professionals working in the area of special needs.

At Communicate-ed we are passionate about seeing people developed to their true potential. That passion drives our own training portfolio, and extends to other situations, including into the developing nations.

Communicate-ed is the largest provider of training in Access Arrangements in the UK, training thousands of professionals involved in this area each year. We also offer a range of other modules providing training in various aspects of special educational need.

All of our courses are available online and we also offer face to face training in venues round the country. Our expert course tutors are also available to run tailor-made courses for schools, colleges, local authorities or support services.

Testimonials Some feedback from our course attendees

I found the course an excellent way to study.  The leaders were knowledgeable and clear in their delivery and with current pressures on time and resources, it is a great way to study…

Specialist Teacher (Online SASC Approved Selecting, Using and Interpreting Standardised Tests)

I would recommend that we always use this training for people being asked to act as readers and scribes…

Learning Support Tutor (Online Training for Readers, Scribes, Invigilators and other Adult Helpers in Exams)

It was an ideal format, having a copy of the presentation and then having Caroline add the detail.  It was useful to be able to replay to ensure I understood the changes fully.  I will revisit the presentation over the coming week, and enjoy doing so…